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  • Workshop for mentees of the RMMP: Feminist empowerment for everyday (university) life

Workshop for mentees of the RMMP: Feminist empowerment for everyday (university) life

09.02.2024 | 10:00–16:00 | Online |

In the training, we work with concrete methods for self-empowerment that suitable for everyday life and professional appearance in an academic context for more awareness, presence and resilience. The experienced communication tools are helpful both for solidarity-based empowerment among peers and colleagues as well as in discussions with professors and superiors.

In addition, there is space to collect and try out possible courses of action against sexist and abusive behavior and speech (especially in academia). The focus here lies on encouragement and exchange!

The workshop is aimed at the mentees of the Rowena Morse Mentoring Program.

Further information on the workshop and registration can be found in the announcement.